Is maith le daoine an Nodlaig a chiméad i bhfochair a muinntir fhéin. - People like to keep Christmas among their own. "Ciméad an saoire mar is cóir" - Keep the sabbath "right". (Ní cuimhin liom "ceileabhar".)
Ciméad siar! - keep back. Cimeádadh sé siar ó shúil an phobail. - He used to keep in the background away from the eyes of the people. Thá sé ana-chuthail ciméadann sé siar ó shúil na ndaoine. - He's very shy he keep out of the public gaze.
An obair a chimeád ar siubhal. - To keep the work going. An t-am a chimeád leis a' bport. - To keep time with the tune. An t-am a chimeád let' chosa. - Keep time with your feet.