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  1. Iontráil:
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
    Sampla(í) Úsáide:
    Sin é láthair an tighe, that's the site of the hous láthair cruaiche, rick site spot. Bhí sé n-a sheasamh ar an lathair sin, he was standing on that spot. Bhí sé i láthair na babhtála [boutᴵálu] he was an eye-witness of what happened. Dar láthair Dé, (considered to be a strong swear). By the presence of God. Thuit sé i láthair a chos, he collapsed.
  2. Iontráil:
  3. Iontráil:
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
    at the moment,site, spot
    Sampla(í) Úsáide:
    I láthair na h-uaire = at that very time I láthair na h-uaire tá sé ag an chrosaire ag tnúth le marcaigeacht a fhághailt. = At this minute he is at the crossroads on the look out for a "lift".
  4. Iontráil:
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
    site, position
    Sampla(í) Úsáide:
    Láthair tighe = site of a house Láthair buailte = thrashing floor. Ar a' láthair. = on the "spot". In a láthair. = in his presence
  5. Iontráil:
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
    site of house, site, position
    Sampla(í) Úsáide:
    Láthair tighe = the site of a house. Láthair an tighe a mharcáil. = Mark the site 7rl. Lathair an tighe nua a phiocadh agus a chléaráil. = To select and clear site for new house
  6. Iontráil:
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
    present time
    Sampla(í) Úsáide:
    I láthair na h-uaire = At the present time = Just at this time
  7. Iontráil:
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
    for the time being, present time
    Sampla(í) Úsáide:
    I láthair na h-uaire = At the present moment. Thá sé as baile i láthair na h-uairr = He is away from home at the present moment. = .i. for the time being. Níl aon rud le déanadh agam i láthair na h-uaire = I have nothing to do for the time being.
  8. Iontráil:
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
    at present,site, place
    Sampla(í) Úsáide:
    Fé láthair. = at present, at the present time, Thá sí sa chistin fé láthair. = She is in the kitchen at present. Thá sé as baile fé láthair. = He is away from home = (just now, at present.)
  9. Iontráil:
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
    at this moment, present, present time
    Sampla(í) Úsáide:
    I láthair na h-uaire = .i. At the present moment. Níl sé annso i láthair na h-uair = He is not here at the present moment.
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