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  1. cual
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): a bundle, a faggot
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Trí chual connaidh, three bundles of firewood. Tá sé ina chual chnámh, he is (worn to) a bundle of bones.
  2. cuan
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): a harbour, a bay
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Cuan a dhéanamh, to land.
  3. cuantar
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Ar chuantar, on condition.
  4. cuartaíocht
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): visiting (in the day-time, as distinct from áirneál, visiting at night)
  5. cuartú
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): search, searching
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Chuaigh cuartú air, they went to look, search, for him.
  6. cubhais
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Dar mo chubhaise, upon my word
  7. cubhar
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): foam, froth, spume
  8. cuibhreann
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): a tilled field, an enclosed piece of ground, an allotment, partnership, association
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Cuibhreann coirce, a field of corn. Is furas a chur i gcuibhreann, he is not difficult to please in the way of food. An fear a chuaigh i gcuibhreann léithe tá truaighe agam-sa dó, the man that married her has my sympathy.
  9. cuid
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): share, portion, some, a meal
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Mo chuid aigid, my money. Mo chuid airgid-se, my money. Mo chuid-se, mine, my portion or share. Bhí sé ag déanamh a chodach, he was eating. Sin a chuid den tsaol; it is his one interest in life. Ní thug mé an chuid sin de dó, I did not let him get away with that argument. Rinne sé a chuid féin de, he made his own of it. Níl cuid na ranna ann, there is not enough to go round. Mo chuid féin, what belongs to me by right. Cuid na cómharsan, the neighbours’ goods. Amach ó chuid ghrinn de, except as a joke. Ní raibh cuid sagairt ann, he was unconscious when the priest came. Níor chuid bhuíochais ar bith dó é, I would not thank him for it. Bhí siad ar a gcuid ar a ghabhail isteach dom, they were at their dinner (etc.) when I went in. Tá cuid mhór le rá aige, he talks a lot. Prov: Bídh fear na chéad-chodach buíoch nó díombuíoch, he who gets the first portion gets either too much or too little. Rinne sé cuideannaí de, he broke it into bits. Bhisigh siad i gcuid agus i ndaoine, their worldly wealth and their family have increased. Prov: Ná tréig fo charaid ar do chuid, do not desert your friend for the sake of worldly gain. Rinne siad cuid chuideachta de, they made a laughing stock of him. Níl cuid bhuailte ann, he is not worth beating. An chuid eile, the rest; the others. Ta cuid a chaite ann, he will wear well. Cuid mhaoite, something to boast about. Do chuid féin a dhéanamh de mhnaoi, to live with a woman (as if she were your wife). Is é an chuid is measa de ...., the worst of it is that ... Cuid mhaith oibre, a good deal of work. Cuid mhór daoine, many people.
  10. cuideachta
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): company, social gathering, a sociable person, pastime
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Bhí an dubh-chuideachta againn, we had great fun. Ní raibh mé ach ag déanamh cuideachta, I was only joking. I gcuideachta na cuideachta, along with the rest. Is breá an chuiddeachta é, he is great company, sport. Rud a dúirt mé le cuideachta, Something I said in joke. I gcead don chuideachta! With all due respect to everyone present. Prov: Is fearr uaigneas maith ná droch-chuideachta, better alone than in bad company. Ní cuideachta ar bith duit é, he is no companion for you. Cuideachta a coinneáil le duine, to keep a person company. Bhí sé i mo chuideachta ar-scoil, he was at school with me.


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