Iontráil sa Lámhscríbhinn:
Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
life, existence, means of livelihood
Sampla(í) Úsáide:
Is é do bheatha, you are welcome. Gléas beatha, means of livelihood. Prov: Is beatha do dhuine a thoil, freedom of choice is part of our daily need. Tá beatha an ghearrfhiaaidh aige, he is always being hunted. Ag iarraidh a bheatha a thabhairt í dtír, trying to make a living. Beatha na naomh, a hand to mouth existence. Beatha agus sláinte chugat! Life and health to you. Mó bheatha a leasú, to amend my life.