Iontráil sa Lámhscríbhinn:
Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
From the West with motion, from behind, from a position of lying down in bed
Sampla(í) Úsáide:
D'éirigh sé aniar sa leabaidh, he sat up in bed. Bhí mála aniar air, he had a sack on his shoulders. Cuir rud éigin aniar ort, wrap yourself up. Suidh aniar, sit closer to us, to m Chuir sé lám aniar tharam, he put his arm round me. Siar is aniar, backwards and forwards. Teacht aniar, durability, endurance. Sin an rud a thug an tsúil aniar aige, that relieved him from his (financial) difficulties, that was the making of him. Aniar ón tsean-tsaol, down from olden times.