Sampla(í) Úsáide: Croí mo bhoise, the palm of my hand. A chroi! my dear! Bhéarfa mé duit é fá chroi mhór mhaith, I will give it to you with a heart and a half. Is fada sin óna chroí, he does not mean a word of it. Tá a chroí aige, he is very light-hearted. Ní raibh sé ar a chroi, he did not mean it. Bhain tú an croí asam, you gave me the fright of my life. Nach mór an chroí do é, hasn’t he the neck (to say or do it). Ní leigfeadh mo chroí dom a dhéanamh, I could not find it in my heart to do it. Ta a chroí istuigh innti, he loves her with all his heart. Chuaigh sé fána chroí dó, (i) he was niggardly with it. (ii) he gave it grudgingly. Tá an croi san áit cheart aige, at heart bottom he is a good sort. Ní dhéanfadh sé croi de ...., it is not a patch on ...Rún croi agus intinne, a firm resolution. Lán de chroí agus de aigneadh, full of life and spirit. D’fhág an croí a áit agam, I got a terrible shock. Mo chroí isteach in mo leanbh! my own darling child! Droch-chroí, evil intent. Croi lag, weak heart. Tá sé comh maith agat do chroí a chur in áit chónaí, you may as well be resigned (to it). Nach mór an croí duit! how dare you! Duine gan chroi, an unfeeling, cruel person. I gcroí na tíne, in the centre or middle of the country.