Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): ear, part of object resembling an ear, handle of jug or cup, etc.
Sampla(í) Úsáide: Cluas le h-éisteacht, an attentive ear, attention. Cluas bhodhar, a deaf ear, indifference. Chuir sé cluas air féin, he listened intently. I mbun na cluaise, right under the ear. Ní thug mé cluas ar bith dó, I paid no heed to him. Leig sé thar a chluais é, he ignored it (remark, etc.) Cuireadh i gcluasa an tsaoil é, it was broadcast (to the world). Roimh thrí lá cluirfe tú ar an chluais is bodhaire agat é, before three days you will hear everybody talking about it (although it is supposed to be a secret now). Mo dhá chluais a chualaidh é, I actually heard him say it. Thug sé lán na gcluas dóbhtha, (i) he flattered them, praised their efforts, agreed with them (ii) he promised them the sun moon and stars [and when they put him in the saddle he told them to shag off]. Líon sí a chluasa, (i) she influenced him, (ii) she told him a pack of lies.