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  1. Iontráil:
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
    a lump, a bite.
    Sampla(í) Úsáide:
    ailp ime.
  2. Iontráil:
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
    b., (a) Bite, large bit (of bread, meat, etc.)
    Sampla(í) Úsáide:
    Ailp feola, a lump of meat. Baineadh ailp as a láimh (26), a large piece was bitten off his arm. Thug sé ailp mhór den fheoil leis (10), he (dog) took a large piece of the meat with him. Bhfuil aon ailp eile de cháca agad (4)?
  3. Iontráil:
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
    b., (b) Large amount of money.
    Sampla(í) Úsáide:
    Is le duine eicínt a bhaineas leis bheas an ailp sin ar deireadh (4).
  4. Iontráil:
    Sampla(í) Úsáide:
    b., (c) De ghrádh na hailpe, for the sake of gain. Téigheann siad isteach de ghrádh na hailpe (6). Grádh mí ailp (3) (6) he was out for what he could get for himself.
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