Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): defence, defending, earning, meeting
Sampla(í) Úsáide: Ar do chosnamh, on your guard, on the defence. Ag cosnamh páighe, earning wages. Ag cosnamh fear, working for men to get work from them in return. Ag cosnamh nóghachta na glóire, meriting eternal salvation. Níl a chosnamh féin ann, he is not able to defend himself. Buille gan chosnamh, a blow that could not be parried, or warded off. Thit se gan chosnamh, he fell like a long (unable to break the fall). Cuileat is cosnamh, the knave and a saver (if the Fingers are led). Tá sé ina chlaidheamh cosanta acu, he stands up for them.