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  1. Iontráil:
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
    Within, inside (at rest) at home
    Sampla(í) Úsáide:
    Tá sé istigh fén mbord, it is underneath the table, Tá an lá istigh anois (1) the day is now finished. (2) the day is down. Tá mo shaol istigh, I have now come to the end of my life, Níl sé istigh leis féin, (a) he is agitated, (b) he is suffering from some unrest. Táimíd istigh le chéile, we are in each others good graces. Nílim istigh air, (of things) I am not acquainted with it.
  2. Iontráil:
  3. Iontráil:
  4. Iontráil:
  5. Iontráil:
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