Iontráil sa Lámhscríbhinn:
Ciall nó Míniú (Gaeilge):
Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
a living person, the living, a kindled sod of turf
Sampla(í) Úsáide:
Ar son na mbeo agus na marbh, for the living and the dead. Cuirfidh sin táirne sa bheo aige, that will make him suffer. Beo ná ceo, nothing at all. Sábháil sé mo bheo, he saved my life. Chuir sé a bheo i gcontúirt, he risked his life. Ní beo dó a bheo, life is not worth living for him. Lena bheo, during his lifetime. Dá mbeadh mo bheo i ngeall air, if my life depended on it. Leig siad a bheo leis, they granted him his life. Ní bheadh beo air go bhfuigheadh sé í, nothing would do him but to get her (for a wife). Ní raibh beo ann, there wasn't a soul in the place. Tá droch-bheo air acu, they are giving him a hard time.