Iontráil sa Lámhscríbhinn:
Sampla(í) Úsáide:
1.(i) Bheith san aimhreas, in aimhreas, to be inclined to think, to think likely (go, that; that, that..not). Tá daoine in aimhreas go mbeidh sé daor, there are people who are inclined to think it will be dear. Tá mé san aimhreas go mbeidh sé ag goil ann (63), I am inclined to think he will be going there. Tá mé in aimhreas nach dtiocfaidh sé. I think it likely that he will not come. Tá mé san aimhreas nach gcuirfidh dé aon chaoi air féin (63), I think it likely that he will not 'settle himself' (get married). Bhí sé san aimhreas nach bhfuigheadh sé é. I was inclined to think that he would not get it.
æ:Vr'əs, æ̃:Vr'əs (4) aiVr'əs (30)