Iontráil sa Lámhscríbhinn:
Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
condition, repair, settling, adjustment
Sampla(í) Úsáide:
Tá droch-bhail ar an duine bhocht, the poor fellow is in a bad way. Bail a chur ar rud, to repair, to fix a thing. Táthar ag cur bala ar an bhealach, the road is being repaired. Thug sé aon bhail amháin ar an iomlán aca, he treated them all alike. Cuir bail bheag ort féin, brush yourself up a bit. Cuir bail ar an teach, put the house in order. Sin bail a chuir an t-ól air, that is what drink did with him. Chuir sé a bhail féin ar an tsaol, he told the story to suit himself. Thug sí bail na madadh dó, she gave him dogs' abuse. Níor chuir sé bail ar bith air féin, he made no attempt at mending his ways. D'ól mé lucht póitín agus thus sé drochbhail orm, I took a feed of poteen and I am (was) in a bad way after it. Má leanann tú don phóitín cuirfidh sé droch-bhail ort, if you make a habit of drinking poteen it will be the ruination of you. Ag chur bala ar an tsaol, settling the affairs of the world. Bail ó Dhia ar an obair, God bless the work. Caidé an bhail atá ort? How are you? Bail na gcúig n-arán agus an dá iasc go raibh ar ár gcuid is ar ár gcomhroinn (grace before meals), may our food and our sharing of it be as successful as the five loaves and the two fishes.