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Corca Dhuibhne

  1. itheadh
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): (of tides)
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Nuair a bhíonn dhá thaoide láidir ag cur i gcoinne a chéile in áit a thabharfá fé ndeara an t-itheadh. Where two tides meet you can see great turbulence in the water.
  2. ithir
  3. ithir
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): tilled soil
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: ithir phrátaí, tilled soil from which a crop of potatoes has been produced. topsoil
  4. ithir
  5. ithte

  6. Tuilleadh

  7. Tuilleadh

  8. Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): day
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Lá thar laethanta a b'ea é, it was a great day, it was a red letter day. N'fheadaramar cathain a thíocfaidh ár lá, we do not know when our day will come, Bhí sé go maith n-a lá, he was good (1) in his day, (2) in his prime Lá na gcéadtha blian, an extremely long day. 'Sé lá dhuit é! what a day you choose! Lá beannaithe an Tiarna, Sunday. Beidh lá eile ag an bPaorach. Mr. Power will have another day (b) the man will have (1) another day, (2) another trial, (3) another chance

  9. Tuilleadh

  10. Tuilleadh
