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Tír Chonaill

  1. clár
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): board, plank, level surface
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Clár na Midhe, the plains of Meath. clár an éadain, the forehead. Faoi chlár, laid out, to be waked. Clár an phota, the lid of the pot. D’fhag sé an clár is an fhoireann acu, (i) he left the whole affair to them (to settle any way they liked) (ii) he cleared out of house and hom Ós coinne cláir, openly, publicly. Tháinig an t-aon le clár, the ace was led. Rinneadh cláraí den bhád, the boat was smashed to bits. Rinne mé cláraí de, I beat him hands down (in game or argument). Tá clár ar a shúile, his eyelids are heavy. Caidé tháinig le clár? What was led? Cuir an clár air, put the lid on it. Tháinig siad isteach ar fud cláir is fuinneog, they rushed into the house.
  2. clasaigh
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): a ditch or trench, a small ravine
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Clasaigh d’anála, your throat, gullet. Ní dheachaidh aon ghreim ar chlasaigh m’anála ó mhaidin indiu, I have not tasted food since morning.
  3. clé
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: An lámh chlé, the left hand. Ar do chlé, to your left.
  4. cleacht
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Practise, accustom oneself to. An saol a chleacht mé, the life I was accustomed to. Chleacht sé as a óige é, he took it (trade etc.) up when he was young and has kept at it since. Níor chleacht mé riamh é, I have never made a habit of it. Ná cleacht duit féin i dtús do shaoil... Do not get into the habit... at the beginning of your career. Ní h-é a chleacht mé, I am not used to it. Cleachtadh dó as a leanbaíocht é, he was trained to it from his childhood. Prov: An té nach gcleachtann triubhais cacfaidh sé ionnta, he who does not practise his work, trade, will make a bad job of it.
  5. cleachtadh
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): habit, custom, wont, practice, experience
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Níl cleachtadh aige air, he is not used to it. Ná déan cleachtadh de, do not make a habit of it.
  6. cleachtuighthe
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): accustomed
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Tá mé breá cleachttha leis, I am well used to it.
  7. cleamhnaí
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): one related to a person by marriage
  8. cleamhnas
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): marriage, affinity, alliance by marriage
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Ag déanamh cleamhnais, matchmaking. Tá sé ina gcleamhnas, he is related to them by marriage. Rinneadh cleamhnas dó, a match was made for him. Máire an Chleamhnais, Mary the Matchmaker.
  9. cleas
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): a play, a game, a feat, device, trick, craft
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Cleas a imirt ar dhuine, to play a trick on a person. D’éirigh an cleas céanna domsa, the same thing happened me. Sin droch-chleas a rinne tú, that was a wrong thing for you to do. Tá cleas air, there is a knack in it, a special way of doing it. Ag imirt a gcleas(a) dh’aontaoibh, working hand in hand, co-operating. Lucht cleas, jugglers.
  10. cleasach
    Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): tricky, wily, playful
    Sampla(í) Úsáide: Is cleasach an peata an saol, Life can play many tricks on us.


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