Iontráil sa Lámhscríbhinn:
Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA):
a leg, a foot, a stem, the lower part of a stack or rick
Sampla(í) Úsáide:
Cos na leapa, the lower end of the bed. Cos scuaibe, a broom handle. Cos cine, a knife handl Lena chois sin, in addition to that. Níor chuir me cos as, I did not enquire further about it. Caide atá ar cois? What is afoot? Tá sé ar a chois arís, he is up and about again. Fágadh in áit chos an ghadaí é, he was left in a compromising situation. Buaileadh cos air, it was hushed. Cos a choinneáil le duine, to keep up with a person (walking). Tá cos ar an chleachtadh aige, he is well used to the work. An bhfuil an leanbh ar a chois? has the child begun to walk? Cos i bpoll a chur le rud, to do away with a thing. Ta cos ar an tsiúl aige, he is used to walking. In aghaidh mo chos, against my will. Chuir sé a dhá chois dh’aontaoibh, he made an iron resolution, he firmly resolved. Le chois a dtug mise dó, in addition to what I have him. Le cois nach raibh a fhios agam, besides I did not know. Nach luath atá tú ar do chois, you are up, and about, early. Tá an tír faoi n-a chosa aige, he is riding roughshod over the people. Tá an iaróg ar cois, “mischief, thou art afoot”. Chaill sé an chos, he lost a leg (in accident, war, etc.). Chaill sé na cosa, he lost the use, power, of his legs. Bhí sé tinn ach níor chaill sé na cosa leis, he was sick but he had not to lie up. Chuir sé de ar a chosa é, he got over it (flu etc.) without going to bed. Tá cead na coise leis, he is free to go. Fá choinne na coise tinne, against the rainy day. Ní chuirfeadh sé cos thar an chois eile le ...., he would not lift a finger to ....Tá na cosa caite agam, I am walked off my feet. Cos píopa, mouthpiece. Prov: Gheibh cos ar shiúl rud nach bhfoghann cos ina cónaí, People who move about, travel, have more news than those who stay at home.