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Iontráil sa Lámhscríbhinn: 
Ciall nó Míniú (BÉARLA): 
out of
Sampla(í) Úsáide: 
Thuig sin as dom, that brought me some relief. D’ól sé as an bhuideál é, he drank it out of the bottle. As feirg a dúirt sé é, he said it in anger. Chan as céill a rinne sé é, he was not in his proper senses when he did it. Nigh as uisce te é, wash it in warm water. Níl dóchas ar bith agam as, I have no faith in it. As a chéile, by degrees. Tugadh as é, (i) the fairies took him away; (ii) he has uncanny knowledge. Nuar a tháinig as an lá, when the day cleared up. D’imigh sé as an áit, he left the place. Dhíol mé as, I paid for it (price). D'íoc mé as, I paid the penalty. Ag titim as a chéile, falling asunder. As ionad, as áit, out of place, dislocated. Cur as seilbh, to dispossess, to evict. Níl iontaobh ar bith agam as, I have no confidence in him. Chuaigh an solas as, the light went out. Carab as é? Where is he from? Ag maoidheamh as, boasting of it. As go bráth leis, off he goes. Déan as duit féin, fend for yourself. As gach áird, from all quarters. Bain as, take away, deduct. Bhain sé an bhrí as, he took the good out of it, rud a dhéanamh as casán, to do a wrong thing. Tá sé as casán, he is in the wrong, unfair, unreasonable. As meisce a rinne sé é, he did it when he was drunk. Thit sé as a sheasamh, he fell down, from fatigue or hunger. Bhí sé leis as a leanbaíocht, he had it from his infancy.
Teideal an Bhailiúcháin: 

Sonraí an Imleabhair

U022 Ál - Aturnaí
Bailitheoir/Údar: Séamas Ó Grianna
Canúint: Uladh