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Rith sé lena anam, he ran for bare lif Bhí truaighe m'anam agam dó, I had the pity of the world for him. Níl aon duine is an t-anam ann a dhéanfadh é, no one with any human feeling would do it. Duine gan anam, a heartless person. Bhain tú an t-anam asam,you gave me a terrible fright. Ar m'anam gur fíor é, upon my soul it is tru Is dubh ain ar d'anam, that is a black sin on your soul, you will answer for that at the Judgement. M'anam in mo leanbh! My own dear darling child! A sheacht mh'anam thú! Well done! Long may you live! D'fhág an t-anam é, he got the fright of his lif